Starter & Electronic Drums for Sale in Dublin | Music Maker

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Starter & Electronic Drumkits

Get started in the world of drum set playing with our Starter & Beginner Electronic drumset collection. These kist are all designed with he beginner or student in mind, and will provide everything you need to get started, drums, cymbals, stool sticks etc. The electronic kits provide a similarly budget friendly way to begin, with the added bonus of being both space saving and less loud than their acoustic counterparts.

With a variety of options to choose from, including smaller drum kits, full-size electronic drum kits, and everything in between, you can find the perfect fit for your budget and needs. Musicmaker stocks options from top brands like Roland and Mapex,, so you can be always confident in the quality and performance of your drum kit. Check out our online selection and feel free to also contact a member of staff with the Intercom button below, with any questions.

Brand: Roland
Roland TD-07DMK V-Drums Mesh Electronic Drum Kit     The Roland TD-07DMK V-Drums ..
Ex Tax: €706.50
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