What Could Our Favourite Time Lords Possibly Require This Christmas?

As long as no one ends up on stage dressed like this, we'll be happy

Drummers are just the best aren't they? So well spoken, soft on the eye, smelling of exotic things and mumbling in tongues long forgotten......

Generally, they are just quite a treat to be around.

But. What is it they really want? They always seem so content, almost buddha-like. Which is probably down to hitting things as a general pastime. It's bound to be pretty therapeutic.

They must want something though and I would like to offer a few humble suggestions to make Your drummer, happy. Happier.

I'm not doing sticks though. That is, a personal affair.

MEINL Percussion Backbeat Pro Tambourine

Available in two sizes, this little accessory is very cool, very portable and can be used almost anywhere. Plus, It could almost be construed as a Christmas sound...? Cause it jingles? Anyway, plop this little device on top of drums, cymbals, friends, pets and turn any surface into a, um, slightly more jingly version of itself. Trust me, that's a good thing.

Hand not Included

Stagg MELOSTA32BL 32-key Melodica with Case - Blue

You know drummers. There constantly on about how much they love the piano, how it's really a percussion instrument, but they just can't fit one in the house. Well! Cut through those excuses with festive abandon by providing a saucy, blue Stagg melodica. Played by blowing through the attached tube, this modern form was invented by the Germans in the 50s. Tiny it is, yet possessed of haunting melody. Watch those excuses crumble under your sweet generosity!

Like a musical breathalyser!

Stagg Sensa Ocean Extra Thin Splash Cymbal

Create a festive SPLASH with thi......just kidding, nobody likes that guy. However! Cymbals are always fun and I have never met a drummer of any age or style, who has ever thought you could have too many cymbals. You can't. Also available in two sizes, 10" and 12", why not gift one of these natty, thin and surprisingly inexpensive Stagg splashes. Fun for accents, stackers and electronic effects, you simply can't go wrong.

So shiny. Also, not wildly far off the actual size.

Crescendo Pro Fcking Loud 25 Hearing Protection

Look. Drums are, generally quite loud. They don't have to be crazy loud but oftentimes the excitement might take over, the spirit of the beast released and before you know it you're beating those drums like a wayward cousin. In those instances (and almost all others really) protection is important. Look after your favourite drummers ears. They'll just get louder otherwise......

Sometimes, that loud is the only loud

Alesis SamplePad 4

Sometimes we need to branch out from the shackles of the acoustic and take a dive into some delightful electronic waters. This little fellow is a very affordable way to try out the world of live sampling and acoustic/electronic crossover. It's got a good few onboard samples so you can play funky, percussive business straight out of the box or, better yet, it's got an SD card slot so you can load all manner of weird, wild, and wonderful sounds onto the pad. The options are almost limitless.

Primed to trigger a cacophony of samples that dance between reality and hallucination. Probably.

Schlagwerk Cajon X-One Fingerprint

So there's quite a bit of debate surrounding the cajon and I'm not gonna throw in on either side here. Suffice to say, if you are on the side of Camp Cajon then you really can't go wrong with anything produced by these wonderful Germans. Well made and doesn't cost the earth, you'll be busking or annoying people at parties in no time.......

The front and back, because there's two sides to every story, and cajon. Except the cajon has four sides. Maybe six. Let's move on.

LP Jam Blocks - A Selection of Shplock

Latin spice. Rock grooves. The rhythms of the wide world. These LP jam blocks add a sometimes surprising dimension to your drumset playing. They can be incorporated in all kinds of ways and they truly do add a rather funky dimension to all kinds of things. Maybe you don't even need the drums? Keep time while you walk, add some rhumba clave to the gardening or just happily announce your presence everytime you enter a room, the choices are endless. For more inspiration of this sort, check THIS out. You won't regret it.

Less infuriating than a cowbell......

And then ultimately, we'll end up here.

The festive cheer radiates like a thousand fiery suns!

Also, I hope this was a tiny help and I shall be back with further instalments of Christmas shenanigans! If you do have any questions though, feel free to get in touch with us in Musicmaker. We'd like to think we have most of the answers.

Chat soon.