ABRSM Harmony in Practice

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ABRSM Harmony in Practice

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ABRSM Harmony in Practice

Introducing a comprehensive workbook that delves into the fundamental components of tonal harmony. This workbook is a treasure trove of music examples and exercises designed to enhance your understanding and proficiency in this critical musical realm. It serves as a valuable bridge between Grade 5 and Grade 6 theory, making it an indispensable resource for those pursuing higher-grade theory examinations. Moreover, it proves to be an invaluable asset for A Level, Diploma, and undergraduate music students, aiding them in grasping the intricacies of tonal harmony. With this workbook in hand, you can embark on a journey to unlock the mysteries of musical harmony, ensuring a solid foundation for your musical education and practice.


  • 1. An Introduction to Tonal Harmony [Anna Butterworth]
  • 2. Chord Labelling [Anna Butterworth]
  • 3. Chapter 1 - Triads [Anna Butterworth]
  • 4. Chapter 2 - Inverting the Triad [Anna Butterworth]
  • 5. Chapter 3 - Building chords from Triads [Anna Butterworth]
  • 6. Chapter 4 - Some 'Rules' to Follow [Anna Butterworth]
  • 7. Chapter 5 - Harmonizing Melodies - the Cadential Progressions [Anna Butterworth]
  • 8. Chapter 6 - Extending the Triad - the Dominant Family [Anna Butterworth]
  • 9. Chapter 7 - the 6 over 4 Progressions [Anna Butterworth]
  • 10. Chapter 8 - Other Presentations of Harmony [Anna Butterworth]
  • 11. Chapter 9 - The Progression of 5ths [Anna Butterworth]
  • 12. Chapter 10 - Chord Groups - the Subdominant Family [Anna Butterworth]
  • 13. Chapter 11 - Scale Movement [Anna Butterworth]
  • 14. Chapter 12 - Modulation - its Purpose and Practice [Anna Butterworth]
  • 15. Chapter 13 - Modulation to 'Remote' Keys [Anna Butterworth]
  • 16. Chapter 14 - Melodic Decoration [Anna Butterworth]
  • 17. Chapter 15 - Harmonic Decoration [Anna Butterworth]


  • Composer Anna Butterworth
  • MR-Product Format Theory
  • Instrument Group Theory
  • Instrumentation Theory
  • Product Type Book [Softcover]
  • Publisher ABRSM
  • Genre Tuition
  • Year of Publication 1999
  • Number of Pages 288
  • ISBN 9781854728333
  • Edition Number D8334
  • No. 9781854728333

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  • Model: 9781854728333
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Ex Tax: €39.95
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