Musicmaker Sustainable Strap - Red

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Musicmaker Sustainable Strap - Red

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Musicmaker Sustainable Strap - Red

Stop right there. Ignore the Chinese imitations. This is the guitar strap you need to buy, because in doing so, you automatically become a better person.

MM by, the sustainable and socially inclusive Woven Guitar Strap. It's only the absolute best.

With the MM by sustainable and socially inclusive Guitar Straps, all but the plastic adjustable accessories (for safety purposes) are upcycled: the strap is upcycled from a grosgroin textile factory in Portugal, the leather strap ends are upcycled from one artisan leather production, the label is woven with recycled polyester yarns.

We have put together a capsule collection of eco and socially responsible guitar straps which embodies MM’s continuing commitment to the People and to the Planet.

What Can We Achieve With This Product?

  • Promoting Social Inclusion: Of unique people within their diversity since these straps are made by’s social partners, being: mental or physically disabled people in social institutions, refugees, prison inmates, elders under the active aging policy and other social causes. This way we recognise their value to society and make them feel part of an integration project through fair wages.
  • Optimising the usage of the Planet's resources: We are upcycling textile and leather leftovers and waste from the production processes of the Portuguese textile industry.
  • Pedagogy for Change: Our commitment to the community has inspired us to create products that may encourage our clients and stakeholders to move towards an attitude of responsible consumption.


  • Socially inclusive product
  • Handmade product by a family of Syrian refugees living in Braga, Portugal
  • Durable eco-friendly strap with upcycled material
  • Upcycled Leather strap ends
  • 12 different limited edition designs to chose from
  • High-quality materials
  • The concept paper label is PLANTABLE because it's made with cotton waste and plant seeds – enjoy
  • Made in Portugal

mm and's Impact

Working with we are contributing to the continuous increase of its positive impact KPIs:

 +€55.000,00 to the social partners involved in the project;

 +5,5 tons of upcycled fabrics and accessories from the Portuguese textile industry.

Your Impact

By working buying this product, you are joining a transparent community that fights for more sustainability in the textile industry and for more social inclusion by supporting the dream of the social people we work with.

Be part of a better future - together with us – with positivity, 100% transparency and the support of a good cause.

And a Beautiful Bonus

This guitar strap is finished with an engraved leather end which contains a story about love and women's determination.

There is a very interesting Portuguese textile product/symbol called "Lenço dos Namorados" in a small village called Vila Verde (just 10km north of the city of Braga) in the North of Portugal.

This classic textile symbolizes LOVE and became an emblem of the MINHO region (province). It is a territory that used to have many embroidery factories and girls that used to work there would pick up the yarn leftovers and take them home to embroider love letters which contained many spelling mistakes because most of them did not have a proper education.

When a girl would fall in love with a boy, she would embroider her love letter in a handkerchief and have it delivered to him. If he would love her back he would wear it when going to next Sunday mass confirming the match.

This is a wonderful and powerful message that says it all about one doing everything we can once we set our mind on something (or someone ��). A symbol of the fierce will and determination of the women from MINHO!

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Product Views: 1150

Ex Tax: €16.22
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